Collagen for Exercise Recovery

Support for Exercise and Injury Recovery

Participating in sport and recreational activities is all about maintaining, or improving our level of performance and fitness. To do this, we must keep our bodies in good condition in terms of strength and muscle mass. We should be aware that training program of high intensity or with short recovery times raises the risk of injury. Our musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints, bones, tendons and ligaments) become susceptible to injury even if we become fitter and stronger. This is where collagen hydrolysate stands out as a leader in the pack when it comes to protein supplementation. 

Exercise Recovery and Collagen Research

The Department of Nutrition and Sports Nutrition for Athletics at Penn State University investigated the effect of collagen hydrolysate on activity-related joint pain in athletes who were physically active and who had no evidences of joint disease. The results of this study suggest that athletes consuming collagen hydrolysate can reduce parameters (such as pain) which have a negative impact on athletic performance. The implications are for the use of collagen hydrolysate in supporting joint health and the possibility of collagen to reduce the risk of joint deterioration in a high-risk group.


Benefits of Collagen for Exercise Recovery 

With a unique amino acid profile, collagen peptides contain high levels of the amino acids glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, alanine and arginine – providing specific sport nutritional benefits. In short, they offers multiple benefits linked to muscles, exercise and injury recovery and connective tissue support. The other major advantage of collagen is that it contains no dairy or lactose which makes it an ideal protein supplement for those who are lactose intolerant and users will not experience the discomfort of gas and bloating that many whey proteins users experience.


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